
Team Fusion Bugtracker
This is the place to report bugs.

Link: Team Fusion Bugtracker

Cliffs Of Dover Server List

PHP code to retrieve a list of servers running Cliffs of Dover
This is PHP code to
(a) retrieve a list of servers running Cliffs of Dover from STEAM's masterservers
(b) retrieve information (players, map, etc) from each of the servers

Uses xPaw's PHP-Source-Query

Because xPaw now requires PHP 7.4, the archive contains separate versions for PHP <= 5.6; <=7.3, and >= 7.4

Download: clod-server-list-v0.9.0.7z


An interface to acquire aircraft data from within the game
TF DeviceLink is an interface that allows external apps to read aircraft data from within the game. One of the uses is, e.g., the Virtual Cockpit that shows aircraft instruments on a second monitor (in the linked thread below).

Link: TF DeviceLink like interface

TacView Support

by ATAG_Oskar
Support for TacView in Cliffs of Dover

The installer creates a directory where flight files are saved and installs a DLL. Both these are in the install directory.
Consult the manual for more information.

Discussion thread on ATAG's forum: TacView Support Thread

Download: TacView Support Download